Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Used...

I got up at two a.m about a month ago to write this song... it's not perfect and it might not even be finished, but I think it's true.


Hello shadow

How do you do?

It's nobody, It's just "the used"

Can't see your face,

but feel your traces left all over my reflection...

Honor shame, here today...

Somehow in my world you share a name

What can I do, I'm the used...

Its all I am to service you.

Lost betrayed... I lay awake

Here in the cloud of my destruction

Its all me, and all you see...

Is less that what got thrown away today

Piles of abduction bring the today

And its in this world you function

So confused... we're the used...

We're the feeling that you'd buy to feel alive

Not me, for every day I fail to not survive

Hello quiet, here me call

Stay so I don't count the footsteps down the hall

On their way, to see the used...

To take part in thee abused

No say, there's no way

A voice will find it's way to light, tonight... tonight...

As I memorize the stain of lack of fight, in my mind...

What could a voice even do

Im just the used... the used...

I could try to breathe to pray

If I thought it would change the day

But who hears me...

Who sees me...

Who knows me...

I don't know me...

I could scream, I could cry

If I had the strength to speak and say a lie

That it's ok... it's ok...

It's ok to use me then throw me away

But there's a truth

I don't know

About the song of having somewhere else to go

This is me, I'm not free

And so I'll just be the used

Hello shadow

How do you do?

It's nobody, It's just "the used"

Can't see your face, but feel your traces left all over my reflection...

Honor shame, here today...

Somehow in my world you share a name

What can I do, I'm the used...

Its all I am to service you.

“And everyone who commits an offense against one of these little ones who believe in me, it were profitable for him that a donkey's millstone would be hung around his neck and he be sunk in the depths of the sea."

Matthew 18:6

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Matthew 19:14

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