Our teams
mission in Thailand is to love and live among the Thai people, with a
desire to reach out to the oppressed. By working in totally unreached
areas of the country that have no gospel presence, our hope is to within
community be building deep, authentic relationships with the Thai
people. Our prayer for future teammates as well as ourselves, is that we
would be eager servants of Jesus, desiring to walk humbly, be
teachable, eager to be challenged, refined and totally dependent upon
Jesus. We need to live in the unchanging reality that without His power
and His grace in our lives, we would be capable of nothing. As we are a
pioneering work in these unreached areas of Thailand, much of our
beginning and continual work will be in building a strong foundation of
trust and love with the Thai people. Our hope is that they would see from us, a
genuine desire to be a part of their lives and learn who they are, as we
also share our lives with them. As we follow Jesus example of focusing
on a few, our prayer is that God would reveal those whom He would wish to raise up as leaders of their own people for His glory.
mission is to within areas of darkness, see light shine upon it, and
souls rescued out of darkness and brought into that light. Though we
have a strong focus on and passion for the human trafficking reality
within and around Thailand, our goal is not to stop the sex trade but to
impact it. We cannot walk with the disillusion that we can end
this evil as only Christ can be the victor over all Satan's works. But
with hope, faith and love, we believe that Lord can use us to see souls
prevented from entering into this horrific cycle, and rescued out of it
one individual at a time. As we labor towards this hope and share life
with the Thai's, we
will listen to, encourage, counsel and love them, praying together,
eating together, laughing together, introducing them to the word of God,
discussing it's importance and power in our lives, growing together in
Christ for His glory and His purposes.
The vision
the Lord has given us is big and daily grows, but without our eyes set
on the Jesus completely and without Him being at the center of our every
ministry effort, nothing lasting, eternal or life changing can be
accomplished within Thailand or anywhere. The heart of this team is
rooted in the only truth that Christ is the way, the truth and the life
and that no one gets to the Father except through Him. He is our reason,
our purpose, our power and our heart as He is and forever will be our
Savior and King. He shall always be the center of our every work and all
the glory goes to Him.